Caffe Vialetto
Eat & Drink
At this Italian restaurant, guests will find un-traditional dishes with Miami flavor. Intimate and charming, it is a great place for a romantic and unique dining experience. Caffe Vialetto offers a total capacity of 85 chairs where 25 of them are located in the private area. The remainder is in the main room which includes a full bar. Total capacity is 60; L,D.
Meeting Rooms
Partner has self-reported the following sustainability efforts. Please contact them directly for details.
Eat & Drink Sustainability Practices:
- Paperless Pay-at Table Technology
Partner has self-reported the following accessibility efforts. Please contact them directly for details.
Accessible parking
Accessible Restrooms
Service Animals Allowed
Wheelchair-Friendly Inside Walkways
Large Print Menus
Sensory-friendly dining area